Where Fear Meets Romance – Waldseilgarten Adventure Mountain Resort

Fear and Romance – these are the things Hollywood blockbusters are made of! But how you can recreate that exhilarating feeling with your significant other? Well, ever had some dinner while hanging off the side of a cliff? Or from a tall tree? That’s how.

Imagine waking up among the singing birds to a lovely sunrise! Couples who are bored with their normal sightseeing trips and want to do something new – this is for you.

Get Some Suspense Going at Waldseilgarten Adventure Mountain Resort:

Located in Pfronten, Bavaria (Germany), Waldseilgarten is an adventure mountain resort that offers tourists a thrilling romantic night in the wilderness. Nestled at the top of a mountain, the resort allows daring guests to spend the night hanging from the tree tops, suspended over a cliff face, or within a beautiful hand-built igloo.


The resort hosts adventurous nights out, where guests can sleep in a hanging tent system, or suspended several meters above the ground.

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This hanging tent is known as a portaledge. It is basically a deployable used by rock climbers on a multiple day climbs. The hanging tent features a fabric-covered platform supported by a metal frame that is suspended from a secured single point. At Waldseilgarten, the tents are suspended from the thick branches of large free-standing trees, where guests can only ascend or descend with rope assistance.

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For tourists who want an even more adventurous night out, the resort has a couple of options that’ll see you sleeping in some of the most extreme ‘beds’ on earth. You can rent a porch where you’ll be suspended from a huge cliff face, which will measure between 1000 and 2000 meters (3280 – 6562 ft) high.

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The Cost of Extreme Romance?

A night sleeping in the trees in a portaledge will set you back about EUR 250 per person, whilst the cliff-face ledges go for EUR 890. The cheapest option is the tree platforms, at EUR 125 per person per night.

Training Before Your Night Out:

All tourists have to take a mandatory training session before spending a thrilling romantic night in the skies. Trained staff teach simple rope climbing techniques for ascending and descending the portaledges, as well as other useful skills for hiking and rock climbing. Toilet facilities are located a few minutes away from the sleeping spots, but the local waterfall will have to suffice for a shower – it doesn’t get fresher or wilder than that!